Rosalie Village Retail

ROSALIE VILLAGE RETAIL | PADDINGTON, QUEENSLAND, AUSTRALIA | Status:  Complete | Builder: Hutchinson Builders | Structural Engineering: ADG Engineering | Town Planning: Dennis Brown | Landscape: Seed Landscape Design | Photography: Cathy Schusler & Studio Shadow

The proposed extensive refurbishment of this 1970s corner building, which previously housed a not-for-profit aged care organization, has focused on activating the main street frontage and orienting to the Baroona Road axial alignment. The proposal seeks to establish a western gateway development to the Rosalie district by introducing an articulated, contemporary extension, which orients itself both to the corner and down Baroona Road. Careful material selection and bold formal gestures add to the texture of the project and enhance the character that is an intrinsic part of the village. Conceptually, this building is the big brother scheme to the gateway project on the corner or Bayswater Road and Baroona Road, which looks to provide the missing formal bookend to ‘the strip’.